Vecor Technologies focuses on providing innovative solutions in ceramics and renewable energy storage.
Vecor Technologies focuses on providing innovative solutions in ceramics and renewable energy storage. Our ceramic products improve the performance of coatings, ceramics, plastics, PVC and other polymers while reducing manufacturers’ costs and supply chain risks.
Our research into battery technology is groundbreaking, and promises to reduce reliance on rare minerals without sacrificing performance.
Vecor Ceramics are applicable in:
Architectural Coatings
Powder Coatings
Industrial Coatings
Ceramic Coatings
Plastics and PVC
Coil Coatings
Our Mission:
Improve the performance of coatings, plastics, rubber and other complex materials with less expensive inputs. Eliminate supply chain risks with local manufacturing by transforming reclaimed minerals into valuable resources.
Our Vision:
To make better, greener, more profitable products from sustainable practices​.